Home Afsomali Kenya Codbixiyayyasha oo u dareeray Goobaha Doorashada

Kenya Codbixiyayyasha oo u dareeray Goobaha Doorashada

President Uhuru Kenyatta (left) is locked in a tight race with opposition leader Raila Odinga

Polls have opened in Kenya’s general election amid fears that the result could trigger communal violence.

On the eve of the vote, President Uhuru Kenyatta appealed for calm in a televised speech.

He urged the 19 million registered voters to turn out in great numbers, but to “do so in peace”. Queues formed early outside many polling stations.

The contest pits Mr Kenyatta against his long-time rival, Raila Odinga, and is seen as too close to call.

Mr Kenyatta, the 55-year-old son of Kenya’s founding president, is seeking a second and final term in office.

The final week of campaigning has been marred by the murder of a top election official and claims of vote-rigging.

Observers say the leading candidates both avoided inflammatory speeches as polling day drew closer. In 2007 more than 1,100 Kenyans died and 600,000 were displaced after a disputed election – an outcome neither side wants to see repeated.

“After you cast your ballot, please go home,” Mr Kenyatta said on Monday.

“Go back to your neighbour. Regardless of where he or she comes from, their tribe, their colour or their religion. Shake their hand, share a meal and tell them ‘let us wait for the results,’ for Kenya will be here long after this general election.”

Dalkan Kanya ayaa maanta waxaa ka dhacaya codbixinta dooarashada madaxtinimo, iyadoo dadku haatan usoo baxeen codeynta.

Waxaa lasoo dooranayaa lix qeybood oo kala ah madaxweynaha, governor, senator, xildhibaan, wakiilka haweenka iyo xubinta golaha is maamul hoosaadka (MCA).

Dhanka madaxtinimada, ayaa ku loolamaya madaxweynaha haatan Uhuru Kenyatta iyo Raila Odinga, kuwaasoo tartamaya markii labaad.

Tirada codka bixineysa ee diiwaan gashan ayaa gaaraya illaa iyo 19 million oo qof, sida ay sheegeen guddiga doorashada iyo xuduudaha ee dalkan.

Doorashada madaxtinimo ayaa la qabtaa shanti sano mar. Illaa iyo hadda wax dhib ah lasoo tabiyey ma jiraan.

Shacabka waxey muujinayaan walaac dhanka ammaanka ah, dowladase ayaa sheegtay in ciidanka ammaanka heegan lagaliyeen

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