Home Afsomali Nuxurka hadalkii Madaxweyne Farmaajo ka jeediyey Shirka Wadmada Jaamacada Cararabta (...

Nuxurka hadalkii Madaxweyne Farmaajo ka jeediyey Shirka Wadmada Jaamacada Cararabta ( DAAWO SAWIRADA )

President of Federal Republic of Somalia H.E Mohamed Abduallahi Farmaajo, in a written speech distributed to the leaders of the Arab world attending at 28th Ordinary Summit of the Arab League, discussed Somalia’s progress, priorities and remaining challenges going forward.

The president acknowledged that most of the Arab world is currently facing grave challenges stemming from the threats of insecurity, political upheaval and economic distress. In light of this, the President called on Arab leaders to unite to overcome these challenges and galvanize wide ranging support to safeguard the future of the Arab world and its citizens.

“We need to unite our efforts to overcome these challenges and galvanize support for our people and safeguard our future…We call for immediate end to the fighting and violence in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen.”

President Farmaajo spoke of Somalia’s democracy as a sign of the potential for reform and progress within the country and good news within the Arab League.
“Though there are many challenges in the Arab world, it’s not all gloom. We had peaceful, free and fair parliamentary and presidential elections in Somalia. That’s good news for a start,” said the President in his statement.

President Farmaajo advised Arab nations embroiled in conflicts to learn from Somalia’s experiences and acknowledge that the only viable solution to end the crises is to engage in dialogue.

The President acknowledged that Somalia is still facing enormous challenges, including a deadly drought that has led to and continues to lead to famine for many and the ever present and opportunistic and evil threat of international terrorism.
“The drought situation in Somalia has caused the death of millions of livestock, thus diminishing our strongest economic mainstay. More than 3 million people now face enormous risks, if immediate aid and support is not extended to them.’

The president said to mitigate the effects of the drought, there’s an immediate need to move quickly to alleviate hunger, as well as put in place mid-level and long term plans to find durable solutions.

“To overcome these challenges, we need to have realistic plans and unyielding support from our brothers and friends.”

The president also affirmed that terrorism has been the biggest threat to Somalia’s progress and stability for some time.

“Continuous terror attacks that cause ineffable loss of lives and destruction of property is the biggest affront to progress, stability and reconstruction in Somalia……terrorism has now become a fast growing tumor in almost all continents, unfortunately we had endured it longer than the rest. We call on the world to have a common position and unite efforts to combat the threat of terrorism.”

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya  Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo, oo ka qeybgalaya Shir Madaxeedka 28aad ee Jaamacadda Carrabta, ayaa la wadaagay madaxda ka qeybgalaysa shirka horumarka ka jira dalka iyo fursadaha iyo caqabadaha horyaalla dowladda Soomaaliya.

Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in dunida Carabta ay ka jiraan dhibaatooyin fara badan oo ay ugu horreeyaan amni xumo, jahwareer siyaasadeed iyo dhibaato dhaqaale, wuxuuna ugu baaqay madaxda Carbeed in ay u midoobaan sidii loo wajihi lahaa caqabadahaas.

“Waxaan u baahannahay inaan mideyno dadaalkeenna si looga gudbo caqabadaha na horyaalla. Waa inaan dardargelinaa sidii loo ilaalin lahaa mustaqbalka dadkeenna. Waxaan ugu baaqayaa walaalaha ku dagaallamaya Ciraaq, Suuriya, Liibiya iyo Yemen in ay colaadda joojiyaan.”

Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa sidoo kale, ku sheegay khudbad qoraal ah oo loo qeybiyay wufuuda ka qeyb galaysa shirka, in dimuqraadiyadda ka hana qaadday Soomaaliya ay tilmaam wanaagsan u tahay horumarka iyo soo kabashada dalka.

“Inkastoo ay jiraan dhibaatooyinka hareeyay dunida Carabta, haddana waxaan bishaaro idiinkaga wadaa Soomaaliya, oo bilowgii sanadkan ay ka dhaceen doorashooyin, si nabad ah ku dhamaaday oo aan horay loo arag, dimoqraadi ah, xor ah, daah furan oo dunida oo dhan ay daawaneysay, ka soo bilow doorashooyinkii Barlamaanka. Waxaa xigay doorashadii madaxweynaha oo aan ka xamaasad yareyn, taas oo xubnaha Golaha Shacabka iyo Aqalka sare ay doorteen madaxweyne cusub, iyaga oo ka turjumaya rabitaanka Shacabka.”

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda ayaa kula taliyay walaalaha Carbeed ee dalalkoodu ay ka jiraan dagaallada in ay cashar ka bartaan waayaha ay soo martay Soomaaliya, isaga oo u sheegay in xalka kaliya ee looga gudbi karo khilaafyada haatan ka jira dalalkooda in ay tahay in ay wada xaajood iyo isu tanaasul.

Sidoo kale, Madaxweynaha ayaa qiray in wali Soomaaliya ay wajahayso caqabado waaweyn oo ay kamid yihiin abaaro dad iyo duunyaba laayay oo isu badalay xaalad macaluul oo ay wehliso amni xumo oo ay sababtay argagixisada caalamiga ah.

“Abaaraha ka jira Soomaaliya waxay sababeen in xoolo badan ay dhintaan, taasoo dhaawacaysa ishii ugu muhiimsanayd dhaqaalaha dalka. Dad ka badan 3 milyan oo ruux ayaa haatan wajahaya duruufo khatar galin kara naftooda, haddii aan lala gaarin gargaar degdeg ah. Si looga gudbo caqabadahaas, waxaa loo baahanyahay inaan la imaanno qorshayaal maan-gal ah iyo taageero hagar la’aaneed oo ay nala garab istaagaan walaalaha iyo saaxiibada Soomaaliya.”

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa yiri “Argagixisada waa khatarta ugu weyn ee Soomaaliya ka hortaagan horumarka iyo xasilloonida xilliyadii u dambeeyay. Waxaan ugu baaqayaa caalamka oo idil in ay meel qura uga soo wada jeeestaan, lana mideeyo dadaallada lagu cirib tirayo argagixisnimada.”


Dhanka youtube ka https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbEqHSbI6baCmdD0pnfHJ7g/videos?shelf_id=0&sort=dd&view=0


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